A Certain Level of Trust
Sometimes in life there are people, places and things that we place a limited amount of our trust in. We are not always "full in" to everything or everybody. There is this unknown limit of how far we will go and that is it. Sunday's scripture lessons about the experiences of 2 widows -- one from the Old Testament and the other from the Gospels-- remind us of what it means to have "A CERTAIN LEVEL OF TRUST". While their example is great for a Bible passage, how does that transfer into "real life" situations, especially in 2019? Let's take a look and see if we can't get some answers to that burning question.
Don't forget to bring your financial commitment form as we acknowledge together how committed we are to God and to the Woodridge United Methodist Church.
Join me on Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 a.m.. ALL are welcome!