A Generous Perspective
This Sunday our guest preacher is the Reverend Darneather Murph-Heath. She is the recently retired district superintendent of the former Elgin District. She previously served the Our Saviors United Methodist Church in Schaumburg where Reid, Stacey and Jaidyn Spears were members before coming to WUMC. Prior to that she has served the Crystal Lake, Gorham and Norwood Park Churches. She is a gifted and enthusiastic preacher who loves God and not ashamed to say so.
We welcome Pastor Heath to WUMC as our guest preacher and friend of Pastor Danita. Her message, A Generous Perspective, will focus on the passage in the Gospel according to Mark that lifts up the sacrificial giving of the widow. We look forward to her inspirational message. Join us on Sunday in person or on YouTube at 10:00 a.m.