A Whole New World
Well almost... this E-news will arrive on Good Friday so we haven't quite gotten there yet! But soon we will be shouting CHRIST IS RISEN!! The very day we have been waiting for has finally arrived!
Our celebration of Easter and the Resurrection sometimes seems to be a little less exciting than it previously was. We are so far removed from the "actual event" that we sometimes wonder and ask .."did it really happen?". Where is the proof? Where is the documentation about the actual death and movement of the body from the tomb? All these questions and more cloud our thinking and sometimes make us forget that the events of the day are more about faith than they are about facts and figures.
Yes, one of the foundational elements of our faith is NOT found in the middle of numbers or scientific equations or an exact date on a calendar that fluctuates radically every 4 years. Our faith is a story of how love wins over hate and how life conquers death. It is a story that reminds us that we do not exist in our own little vacuum-sealed space but in a world that requires us to care about our neighbors regardless of who they are or aren't.
As we celebrate this last Easter together as pastor and congregation, let us remember that we live in "A WHOLE NEW WORLD" as followers of the Christ. A world that calls us to care as well as stand up against injustice. A world that calls us to love unconditionally, expecting the best in all things and situations. Join us on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. as we reflect on this WHOLE NEW WORLD. If you aren't able to be with us in person, join us on YouTube. See you there!