Attack of the Verbs!
Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?
This Sunday, June 4th, we get to read some very popular scriptures: Both the first creation poem and the “Great Commission” from Matthew’s gospel!
But wait, there’s more! This week is also Trinity Sunday!
(Sorry to disappoint, but we still don’t have the licensing rights (or the budget) to bring in Carrie-Anne Moss from The Matrix movies.) Instead…
Here are two easy ways to prepare for, and participate in, Trinity Sunday.
1) Remember how last week we encouraged you to wear red for Pentecost Sunday? This week we have a different sartorial idea in mind. As the Trinity is about unity through diversity and as June is Pride month, let’s wear rainbows and all of the colors!
2) Click here to go watch this video, It is less than four minutes long, it will get you in the right (ahem) Spirit for Trinity Sunday, and it will make you laugh. We could all use a little laugh, couldn’t we?
Follow those two steps to get your body and your spirit ready for worship. To get your mind and heart ready for worship this week, consider:
How did we arrive at this Trinity idea for God?
(Hint: it starts in the beginning—which is always a very good place to start.)
What Trinity traditions have we received and why does it appear at the end of Matthew’s gospel?
What good does this Trinity idea provide? And, really, why should we care?
This Trinity Sunday, June 4th, wear rainbows and all of the colors and bring your ideas to add to the discussion as Pastor Dave will do all he can to wrestle with those questions and more in his sermon, “Attack of the Verbs!”
Worship with us Sunday at 10:00am in person or online via our Woodridge UMC YouTube Channel. All are welcome!