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Mar 23, 2025 | Rev. Dave DaeGyu Yim

Digging and Fertilizing

This week's Scripture readings present various stories. The Apostle Paul reminds the Church in Corinth of the Israelites' time in the wilderness, using their journey as both an example and a warning. Although they all ate the same spiritual food and drank from the spiritual rock, God was displeased with most of them.
Jesus also shares a story that reminds us that even good people experience hardships. He concludes with a parable about a vineyard owner who finds a barren fig tree that has not produced fruit for three years. The owner wants to cut it down, but the gardener pleads, "Lord, give it one more year. I will dig around it and fertilize it. Maybe it will bear fruit next year."

I invite you to join us this Sunday as we reflect on these powerful Bible stories and their meaning for our lives. How are we called to take on the role of the gardener—nurturing faith, extending grace, and cultivating growth? Come and worship with us as we explore this together!

Find the bulletin here.