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Aug 04, 2019 | Rev Danita Anderson

Economics for the Journey

"Can we just be done already?"  One of those common questions heard when one has just had enough of something or a situation.  Sometimes it is used in relationships too.  Some of you may be saying the same thing about our sermon series we are engaged in "RULES FOR THE ROAD", after all this is the 4th week!  What else could there possibly  be to say?


This week in the final part of "RULES FOR THE ROAD" we will take a look at the story Jesus shared with a man who asked Jesus to be arbitrator between him and his brother.  And the response we hear Jesus make is in his usual story-form about a man building barns for his assets and not working on his relationship with God.  And what does that have to say to our RULES FOR THE ROAD?  Funny you should ask that!!!


Yep, you got it...."ECONOMICS FOR THE JOURNEY" is our theme for this week.  How important is your "stuff" and how important is your relationship with God?  Think about that as you are making your way to join us this week.  What are you focused on?  What are your thoughts as you travel this faith journey?  Let's talk about it on Sunday.  Join us at 9 or 10:30 a.m.. And always remember..............ALL are welcome!

Series Information