God's Elevator Pitch
This week we take a break from our summer sermon series.
(Fear not! “Privilege and Promise: This is America” returns the 3rd and 4th Sundays of July and August. The post-worship Sermon Zoom Chat returns those Sundays too. Of course, it is objectively obvious that racism does not take a break, so let’s not stop striving every day to be actively antiracist.)
Imagine conversing with a new acquaintance when she asks you to describe God to the best of your understanding. What would you say? Where would you start?
What is paramount for your understanding of God: concepts, prayers, characteristics, stories, or some combination of them all?
What about the necessary follow up question: So what? What difference does it make in your life and in the world to describe God in that way?
Guided by Psalm 145 and Matthew 11, Pastor Dave will consider those questions and more this Sunday, July 5th, in his sermon, “God’s Elevator Pitch?”
Join us for worship on our Woodridge UMC YouTube channel Sunday at 10:00AM.