Privilege and Promise: This is America
Moving Beyond the Fear (part 1)
Beginning this week, we will start a series of sermons around the theme PRIVILEGE AND PEACE: THIS IS AMERICA. Yes, we are going to dive into some of those more difficult topics that we must address as people of faith. What does it mean to be a Christian and how we deal with privilege or the disparities in education, employment, health care and housing or even Christianity's complicity when it comes to racism. What is our response as people of faith? What can we do? Lots to talk about and even more to do. This series will only occur on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of June, July and August.
And not to worry, we will not just leave you with empty platitudes and no where to talk more, ask questions, etc.. On the 3rd and 4th Sundays only, following the worship service Pastor Dave and I will host a 45 minute ZOOM call. Please see your weekly update email from me this week for the ZOOM link and further instructions.
This week, we will start our conversations by looking at the idea of fear. What in life do we fear most? Why? Where did it come from? And more importantly how do we get through it. Let's talk about that on Sunday as we look at part 1 of PRIVILEGE AND PROMISE: THIS IS AMERICA-- MOVING BEYOND FEAR. Join us on YouTube at 10:00 a.m..
Series Information

This is a series of sermons around the theme PRIVILEGE AND PEACE: THIS IS AMERICA. Yes, we are going to dive into some of those more difficult topics that we must address as people of faith. What does it mean to be a Christian and how we deal with privilege or the disparities in education, employment, health care and housing or even Christianity's complicity when it comes to racism. What is our response as people of faith? What can we do? Lots to talk about and even more to do. This series will only occur on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of June, July and August.