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Mar 09, 2025 | Rev. Dave DaeGyu Yim

Remember Who We Were

Remembering our past—what we have done and who we were—helps us understand who we are today. God spoke to the Israelites through Moses, reminding them: "Remember that you were immigrants in Egypt." Now, they were to celebrate all the good things God had done for them and their families, along with the Levites and the immigrants among them. God called them to remember their own history and to treat the current immigrants with hospitality and kindness.

In the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the devil in three ways: Food, Prosperity (Wealth), Life (Power and Security). Jesus resisted these temptations by relying on the Word of God, and the devil eventually departed—until the next opportunity. This reminds us that temptation does not simply disappear; the forces that seek to lead us astray persist in our daily lives. However, Jesus’ experience in the wilderness, not only strengthened him, but also serves as a guide for us in overcoming temptation.

Join us this Sunday as we explore what Jesus is teaching us through his encounter with the tempter. You are all invited!

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