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Jul 28, 2024 | Rev. Dave DaeGyu Yim

The Power of Noticing What We have

What do we think we have as individuals, as a country, a church, or a family? Our possessions are related to power, and what we have gives us power. Do we believe that we have power as individuals and as a church? What do we think we have? Even a child has power in specific situations. For example, the boy who gave five loaves of bread and two fish to Jesus and his disciples in the Bible had power in that moment. He had food when others around him, including Jesus and his disciples, didn’t. Again, what we have is related to power. King David had great power as the king of Israel, but he forgot how blessed he was by God, leading to serious problems in his life. We have become so greedy and materialistic that we hoard too many things in our lives, not even thinking about sharing with others. This Sunday, we will learn from King David, Jesus, and the Boy about sharing our power. It starts with recognizing what we have. Please come join us!


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