The Test of Authenticity
This week we celebrate this congregation's 59th anniversary. A few members of the Faith Church in Lisle thought there needed to be a Methodist presence in the area that was beginning to grow just south of them. They got together and with a few others formed this congregation and the rest is history. Down through the years we have stood up for the injustices in our community and in our world. We have advocated for those who could not advocate for themselves. Fed the hungry and given clothes to those who had none. We have opened our doors to welcome all people that others would have turned away. We have laughed together, prayed together, had fun together and carried those whom we love to their final resting places. So, now what?
We could very easily stand on the sidelines and say..."look what we've done! We are tired now and want to rest. We have accomplished so much and worked so hard can we quit now?" Well, I think we all know the answer to those questions!!!
We live in a different world where people are looking for authenticity. They want to know if you are walking your talk before they come alongside and pitch in. People want real relationship, real purpose, and real meaning. They want authenticity and are putting us to that test!
What will we offer them in the next season of our ministry? The test is ever before us! Will we stand in the midst of the crowd shouting "look what we have done!" Or will we look to God and say "what's next for us to do? Where would you have us serve you?" Let's have some conversation about "The Test of Authenticity" on Sunday and see if we can't get some answers! Join us in person or on YouTube at 10:00 a.m..