Thirsty for More than Water
For the last few weeks there have been portions of the Exodus story and the Israelites in their "new surroundings". It has not quite been the focus of our message but it does loom in the background! Their story is so intricately woven into our story in 2023 that we can't help but see some examples of "oh that's us alright" in their narrative.
This week we will take a little dive into how true that is. How do we live in a world where people die every day of thirst? People are thirsty for relationship and belonging and end up dying of loneliness and despair. Children and adults are thirsty for knowledge and education and wind up missing out on opportunities because of poor preparation. And the list goes on. How do we satisfy those needs? What can we do about it?
And those questions happen to fall on a day that we celebrate and acknowledge as World Communion Sunday. This is a day where tables are set in faith communities across denominational lines to recognize the gift and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We will look at our part of the story using the theme "THIRSTY FOR MORE THAN WATER". Join us at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday in person or on YouTube as we try to unravel some of these modern questions with an ancient text.