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Mar 24, 2024 | Rev Danita Anderson

Who Is This?

WE'RE GETTING CLOSER!  We are just a week away from that grand Resurrection celebration!  Out of the darkness of the tomb to the glorious light of a brand new beginning!  Hopefully during these past 40 days you have taken some time to pause and reconnect with God.  


As we travel these final days that Jesus spent walking the dusty streets of Jerusalem, may we remember the grace and sacrifice we have experienced.  Walking with Jesus has been no joke and especially during this coming week!!!.  We start our week with the triumphal entry into the city.  As the momentum of the parade builds with shouts of Hosanna, others stand on the sidelines wondering "WHO IS THIS?"  Those who thought they knew, were busy planning and scheming his capture and demise.  But doesn't everybody love a parade?  Evidently not!


So, by Thursday the parade will be over and the faithful will have scattered.  But we will gather around the table with Jesus and celebrate that Last Supper He shared with His friends, remembering and reflecting on what the Passover meal is all about.  Usually referred to as Maundy Thursday, our worship begins at 7:00 p.m..  You may want to come early to share in a soup supper (that includes cinnamon rolls!) at 6:00 p.m..


Then on Friday, we remember the ultimate betrayal and the road that leads to the cross at Calvary.  Even though it is referred to as Good Friday, it is hard to see what is "good" in the darkness of the day.  Join us again at 7:00 p.m. as we hear yet more of the story, "IT IS FINISHED, BUT IT IS NOT OVER!".


Don't miss out this Holy Week!!  Join us:

Palm Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Maundy Thursday-- soup at 6:00 p.m. and worship with communion  at u:00 p.m.

Good Friday at 7:00 p.m.  All services will be livestreamed on YouTube.