

Each month, Woodridge UMC's Outreach Committee designates an organization, ministry, or mission (or two) to be the recipient of our monthly Outreach Offering. 

March 2025 

UMCOR - California Wildfire Relief

Our March Outreach will be for the Africa University Farm Development Fund.  Located in Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, Africa University is the first fully accredited United Methodist-related education institution on the African continent. Established by General Conference action, the university offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in six faculties of learning: agriculture, education, health sciences, humanities, management and theology. The Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance offers postgraduate diplomas and master’s programs. 

The primary goals of the Africa University (AU) Farm are to: 1. Provide facilities for Agricultural teaching and research by the AU Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2. Provide safe, reliable, and reasonably priced food for the AU Community, including the campus dining hall which serves staff and students. 3. Generate income for AU. 

The Farm Development Fund helps to improve the infrastructure to increase efficiency and meet local environmental regulations. It also brings in better equipment for more efficient use of labor, and to help students become familiar with modern equipment, thereby equipping them to make significant contributions to the development of the agricultural communities in their homes, whether in Zimbabwe or the many other countries represented at Africa University.

 Ways to donate to the March Outreach Offering:
—Check or cash in an Outreach Offering envelope placed in the offering plate in the
—Narthex (the room outside the sanctuary) or in the gold-plated mail slot at the church’s east door.
—Online via our website. Select “Current Month Outreach” in the drop down menu.
—Text the amount you want to give to 630-449-7121 and select “Current Month Outreach” in the drop down menu.