
This Most Honest Day
The week is filled with many raw emotions..... denial, betrayal, and even death are present.
"Time for Discomfort"
The week is filled with many raw emotions..... denial, betrayal, and even death are present
Scattering the Palms
May we not forget that this parade was not some ordinary, quiet gathering of like-minded people, but one of world-changing, thought provoking, politically challenging viewpoints that would make a difference in people's lives should they believe.
Tripped, Waylaid, Stumbling
Who are the lost sheep in our world today? Fortunately we also don’t need to be experts in best practices of shepherding to answer that question.
Who's Hungry?
“Every human being is created in the image of God and has inherent dignity and should have access to sufficient nutritious food.” 
Water for a Thirsty World
People thirsty for the waters of hope in the midst of their crisis.  People thirsty for belonging and purpose.  People thirsty for peace and compromise.  And how does this thirst get quenched?
And Still I Rise!
Sometimes when we ignore (and/or refuse to learn) all of our history, it opens the opportunity to believe that God's plan for Beloved Community begins and ends in a narrow-minded vacuum. 
Lift Every Voice in Lament
Jesus calls us beyond simplistic, letter-of-the-law ideas. Rather, Jesus calls us to transcend our history and transform our present with the power of God’s Spirit.

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