God Started This

01.03.25 | by Rev. Linda Misewicz-Perconte

Guest preaching this Sunday is our very own former pastor Rev. Linda Misewicz-Perconte a retired Elder of the Northern Illinois Conference UMC. Pastor Linda was ordained a Deacon in 1979 and an Elder in 1985. During her ministry, she served Mt. Hope, Aurora: Bethany of Fox Valley, Woodridge, and Chicago: Ravenswood Fellowship. 
John’s gospel lesson is about Grace and Truth in the Life of Jesus.  Grace and Truth, Empathy and Truth, and Love and Truth were all made real whenever Jesus showed up.  They are a winning combination.  Buth they’re difficult to live in everyday life.  However, an emergency room doctor exemplified love and truth and she said, it wasn’t easy.  Please join us and see what Pastor Linda has to say about this week's message  in her sermon "God Started This". 

Join us on Sunday in person or on our Woodridge UMC YouTube Channel for worship in song at 10:00 a.m.

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