This is What We Live For

08.16.24 | by Rev Dave Yim

Solomon would sacrifice and offer incense at the high places. The high places were open-air platforms or shrines where sacrifices and other religious activities took place. The Lord was sometimes worshipped at the high places, but other gods were worshiped there as well. According to the Bible, the principal high place was Gibeon, about five and a half miles northwest of Jerusalem, where Solomon used to offer a thousand burnt offerings to God on that altar. However, Solomon tolerated the worship of his wives’ native gods at these high places, which ultimately led to his downfall.
As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart toward other gods. His heart was no longer true to the Lord, and he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not completely follow the Lord.
We know that Solomon received an ‘understanding mind’ from God, which literally means a listening heart. Initially, he listened to God and followed God’s direction, also paying attention to God’s people. But later, he began to listen to his wives; he had 700 wives and 300 concubines. As a result, God tore the kingdom away from Solomon.
What are we listening to these days? What do we believe we are living for now? Let’s reflect on these questions together this week!

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