We are Clothed in Christ

08.23.24 | by Rev Dave Yim

Every teaching of Jesus and the signs he performed often led to division; while some people believed in him, others left because they found Jesus’ statements difficult to accept, saying, ‘This is a hard saying; who can accept it? How can this man give us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink?’ They took his words literally and missed the deeper meaning, which requires thinking on a higher level. Jesus invites us to look beyond the ordinary, to grasp the spiritual truths he offers. Jesus’ teachings may be challenging, but he does not shy away from people. He continues to offer hard truths that, if we choose to stay with him, can profoundly benefit us and transform our lives. Are we willing to remain with our Teacher even when his teachings seem difficult? Can we, like Peter, say, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go?’ and commit to Jesus, the teacher of excellence, whose words give life? Can we fully embrace the relationship with him, ‘eating his flesh and drinking his blood,” to deepen our connection with him? Let us resolve to remain with Jesus, feeding on his word, and be clothed in Christ.  Join us in person or on our Woodridge UMC YouTube Channel at 10:00 am on Sunday morning.

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