Remove the Veil!

02.28.25 | by Rev Dave Yim

After spending 40 days and nights with God on Mount Sinai, Moses covered his face with a veil. Why did he do this? The veil had two meanings: protection and separation. On one hand, Moses wore it to shield the Israelites from the radiance of his face after encountering God. Yet, whenever he entered God’s presence, he removed it. To the people, the veil was an act of kindness, but before God, it symbolized a barrier between them.

The Apostle Paul also speaks about a veil in his letter to the Church in Corinth—but one that now covers our hearts and minds. He explains that this veil represents spiritual stubbornness and hardness of heart, preventing us from fully seeing and understanding God’s truth. However, Paul assures us that whenever we turn to the Lord, the veil is removed.

Let’s explore this week’s Scripture together and discover how it applies to our lives today. And remember—this Sunday is Communion Sunday. All are invited to the Open Table!

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