
A Tale of Two Brothers
The story of the Prodigal Son is truly a tale of two brothers, both playing an equally important role.
Digging and Fertilizing
How are we called to take on the role of the gardener—nurturing faith, extending grace, and cultivating growth?
Remove the Veil!
The veil that now covers our hearts and minds is removed when we turn to the Lord.
Because of the Son of Man
Jesus has broken borders and barriers to reach each one of us, showing that we are deeply important to him.
Lessons from Scouting
Wally Jeske will also share the lessons that can be learned from Scouting: all the joys, fun, silliness, and important life lessons that can be experienced along the way. 
Love Never Ends
Both Jesus and Paul addressed gave examples of people's arrogance and greed. How do they challenge us, living in 2025, to embrace humility and compassion?

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