God invites us to bring our deepest troubles toHim, to lay our hearts bare before HIm in prayer.
Esther and Jesus, both of whom teach us to act with compassion and prioritize God’s values over the world’s expectations.
God, who owns everything, entrusts us to care for what is God’s. Have we been faithful to God in our roles as God’s stewards?
Jesus challenges us to ask: Are we willing to let go of anything that competes with God’s place in our hearts?
Our role as a faith community is to support one another and our local community in times of need.
How we can turn away from negativity and instead square our focus on remaining committed to Jesus' teachings?
Job’s unwavering faith in the face of suffering. How can we follow his example?
Wisdom calls us to act with courage, seek justice, and advocate for accountability.
Wisdom, as depicted through her, provides for the needs of all.
What is the difference between being “wise” and being “smart”?