
A Life of Gratitude
Does a life of gratitude lead to joy? Or does a joyful outlook make us more grateful?
A Preview of Coming Attractions
Grief and loss are sometimes such hard topics to discuss and share about.  Not washing away memories,  but making way for new and more ones.   
You've Met Your Match!
We often hear how the Pharisees tried to "one up" Jesus and the responses given by Jesus. How does all of this impacts our lives on our faith journey?
Love. Full Stop
Laity Sunday is one way we express the core Christian conviction that all are called to participate in God’s mission to create healthy, flourishing life in the world.
Seen, Heard and Blessed
What is our role with children?  What about the children of the church as well as the children in the community?
Balancing the Scales
We will take a look at how far back inequity really goes, what it says to us in today's society, and take a look at how we might work toward "BALANCING THE SCALES"
It Ain't About Math
Our relationships with others ought not be based on calculations of missteps but on grace that has been extended to us by God. 

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